Stéphanie Alenda, Research Director of the Faculty of Education and Social Sciences at Andrés Bello University and Chair of the Research Committee on Political Sociology (CPS) affiliated to the International Sociological Association (ISA-RC18) and the International Political Science Association (IPSA-RC06), invites you to the fourth session of CPS seminar series...
Stéphanie Alenda, Research Director of the Faculty of Education and Social Sciences at Andrés Bello University and Chair of the Research Committee on Political Sociology (CPS) affiliated to the International Sociological Association (ISA-RC18) and the International Political Science Association (IPSA-RC06), invites you to the fourth session of CPS seminar series “CPS talks with authors” that will take place on May 13th at 9h (Chilean time) and until 10h. In this instance, Dr. Kevin Partheney, Full Professor of Political Science at the University of Tours, will present his book A Political Sociology of Regionalisms. Perspectives for a comparison, Palgrave MacMillan, 2020, thereafter commented by Dr. Elisa Lopez (Assistant Professor of Political Science at Université Libre de Bruxelles).
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A few words on the seminar and its modality:
The Permanent Seminar of the Research Committee on Political Sociology (CPS), an entity of the International Sociological Association (ISA) and the International Political Science Association (IPSA), provides a forum for exchange and dissemination of our members’ research in the field of Political Sociology to both academic audiences and the interested public beyond academia. Through discussions on the work of CPS authors, the Seminar addresses ongoing phenomena from the perspectives of Political Sociology, connecting scholars’ research to current socio-political affairs. CPS authors such as Juan Linz, Stein Rokkan and many others have provided crucial tools for understanding party competition, challenges to democracy, polarization, and numerous other current themes. The Research Committee continues in this tradition. Once a month, the CPS invites authors to present their latest book in 25 minutes, summarizing their research process and main findings. Each presentation is followed by a 15-minute discussion led by an expert scholar on the subject, and the discussion is then open to the public for 30 minutes.
This permanent seminar is co-organized by the CPS and Andrés Bello University (UNAB), and it is sponsored by the ISA and IPSA. Every session is recorded and uploaded to the UNAB official social media platform for dissemination purposes.
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